Budo – The Way of the Warrior

All of the martial arts at Atlanta’s Traditional Okinawan Karate-do Dojo are taught in an atmosphere of cooperation and mutual respect. The goal is to strengthen the individual in all aspects of development. In keeping with the traditional concepts of Budo, the practitioner is encouraged and assisted in developing all facets of his or her personality, including intellectual, moral, and physical aspects. The character for Budo (Wu-tao in Chinese) can be rendered not only as “the Way of the Warrior,” but also as “to stop two swords from clashing.”
One of the most important principles of traditional Okinawan Karate-do is that conflict should be prevented, not promoted. This principle is followed both in training at the dojo (“training area”) and beyond the walls of the dojo. A practitioner should use martial arts techniques only for self-defense and only as a last resort after all other means of avoiding a fight have been tried. Moreover, the extension of this principle is that one not only desires to stop conflict once it has started, but also seeks to promote harmony in all aspects of life.